Insanely Drawn Blog Tour

Welcome to the blog tour of Insanely Drawn! This amazing debut novel is being published through Moon Rose Publishing  on the 15th July 2013, and is one worth picking up. A psychological thriller with a paranormal twist, we guarantee you won’t be able to put this one down! Scroll down to find out more, and get ready to add this to your summer reading! 

Insanely Drawn

The Blurb! 

Your first job out of college. It’s supposed to be a stepping stone or a transitional job, not the single defining decision that will alter the course of your entire life.  Sienna Kennedy never signed on for the craziness, danger and even love that her new job thrust into her world.

But she didn’t run either.

Assigned to a maximum security floor of Western State Hospital for the mentally ill, the last thing she expected to encounter was a reminder of her past.

Cade Collins’ animal magnetism draws her into an unseen world filled with creatures from her wildest imagination. Discovering his story, as well as the very institution in which she works, becomes her obsession. Her every waking moment is consumed with unearthing a way to free the man that has stolen her heart, body and mind.

The secrets Sienna finds will free them of their bonds…or lead them to their doom.  Fate flung the two destined souls together, but how can any love survive in such a demented place, filled with peril and danger?

Links For The Book

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Moon Rose Publishing

My Review:

Let me start by saying that for a first novel, this was well done. Secondly, it’s not your typical, run of the mill, same old paranormal. It’s fresh, and unique, and a lovely writing style, with some crazy twists, and some creeptastic characters, and a sweet love story, that maybe isn’t so fairy tale-ish, but is still sweet to me. Plus, there’s crazy people, and no I don’t mean the mentally impaired that are imprisoned here 🙂

Sienna is a small town girl, until she started college, and the she realized she likes the city living. So just literally jumps in feet first in working at a mental institution. Boy, was this a crazy wake up call. She learns upon arrival that she is the new nurse for the most dangerous floor on the hospital, along with all the murderers. Yeah, I might have run away, quickly, but she stands her ground. And then she realizes real fast that she knows someone there. And the adventure begins. I like Sienna. She’s more down to earth, and likable. Like really likable, because she isn’t over the top, or crazy kick ass, or whatever. She’s a nurse and she wants to help people. Dude, who wouldn’t like her 🙂
The Cade situation merrits talking about, but I seriously have to be careful not to get spoilery which is going to be major hard. I can tell you he is a patient of the mental hospital. I can tell you him and Sienna knew each other as children. I can tell you the doctors think he’s the most unstable patient there. And I can tell you that he’s a special case…. Anything else would ruin something. Seriously. I don’t even wanna say too much about the relationship between Sienna and Cade because it’s just wrong to spoil things. 🙂 But, I will say this, you will fight for them if you read this. You will want it to all work out 🙂

The plot twists are amazing. I seriously got blind sided and never saw some of them coming. You literally have no idea who to trust, or who’s in on what, or in need of becoming the mental patient instead of a worker. Like, crazy good ending. I also wasn’t expecting that. I am not sure what I can say to elaborate there either. Ok, I will say, think of this as a very cool, very mysterious, paranormal romance. 🙂 How’s that? This way, you can be as surprised as I was 🙂 I am impressed. I know I don’t say that often, but really, the first book of a series or a stand alone has to really hook me, and this one definitely did. I am looking forward to much more! 5 CRAZY MYSTERIOUS CREEPTASTIC PAWS!!!
paw mainpaw mainpaw mainpaw mainpaw main

Author Interview:

First, tell me a little about your book and why you wanted to write this particular story….

I had an intense dream that I just had to get out and that was why I wrote Insanely Drawn.  The story haunted me.  The book is about a woman, Sienna Kennedy, and her attempt to deal with the life changing situation she finds herself in. She is drawn to a man, Cade Collins and it is that intense passion that leads her into a dark world filled with danger.  There are twists and turn around every corner and no black and white answers in the end. 

Do you recall how your interest in writing originated or did you always just know?

I just always knew. I can remember being no more than eleven, sitting with a typewriter (yes, I’m that old), typing away while I listened to classical music on my boom box and drank grape juice out of a wine goblet. I guess I was always a little dramatic.

What inspired you to write your first book and what was it?

My first novel, Insanely Drawn, was based on a dream.  I saw the beginning and the ending so clearly. The middle, I winged.  It’s not a typical storyline but it’s what I dreamed.  I was tempted to change it up, the ending. But every time I tried, it just didn’t feel true to the story.

Are experiences based on someone you know, or events in your own life?

In the Insanely Drawn novel, no. But I am working on two new series that are more personally based.

How do you chose when/which characters die in your books?

I can usually feel when a death is needed. I pick the characters that death will either move the story in the right direction or have the most emotional impact.

Are there any new authors that have grasped your interest?

Roxy Mews is a new author. Her first book will be out October 1, 2013 and from what I have seen- she is snarky, sassy and her story will make for a fun read.

Who do you look up to as a writer?

Anne Rice… totally influenced my writing and maybe George R R Martin. I love that he will kill anyone. 

If you had to do it all over again, would you change anything in your book?

Or course. You always learn and second guess. There was a scene that I toyed with putting in that I now wish I had. 

Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?

The stories I write are very cinematic. Clues to what is really going on would be easy to put in if you were watching a movie but when writing a book… it’s different.  If I were to make a big deal about a little detail, it would give the plot away.   

What book are you reading now? Or what genre? My followers love author’s opinions!

I’m currently reading The Dom Who Loved Me by Lexi Blake.  I have had the pleasure of meeting her a few times and I’m very curious to read her stuff.  Enjoying it so far. 

Who designed the cover? And do you help with them?

The lovely Miranda Stork did my cover.  I told her a few basic things I wanted included and she did the rest. Brought my vision to life.

Did you learn anything from writing your books and what was it?

I have learned that I enjoy writing darker material. Killing characters is fun for me. I can get out my aggression that way and it’s totally harmless. That’s not to say that I don’t have different ideas roaming around my head. And I will write it… someday. Just enjoying the type of books I’m writing at the moment.

If you could be one of your characters, who would you chose?

I would be Dr. Lawrence Montgomery because, in my opinion, he has the most story to tell. On top of that, he is one sick, demented soul and I love that.

Are there any books you think some of us should read, just because?

The Quest by Mary Abshire. She’s not well known and I think her stuff is worth taking a chance on.

Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?

Thank you for taking the time to read the interview.  I really hope you enjoy reading Insanely Drawn and fall in love with Sienna and Cade, just like I did.  Please read all the details carefully and you will see the story unfold before your eyes in a new light.

More About The Author

Dani Morgan 2

I was always the girl who spent most of her life living in her head, even at an early age. My made up worlds were so much more interesting than real life. In them, anything was possible. I could be a reckless archaeologist digging up a mummy who came to life, terrorize a medieval village by drinking all their blood, start an intergalactic war between rival planets, or ride a wild stallion with a hunky Native brave clad only in a breech cloth, all within the course of a weekend.

Life didn’t stay simple. I had to grow up, get a job, became a wife and mother and put all my dreams on hold. After a change in my life, I found myself a single mom who had plenty of time to fall back into the land of make believe.

One night I opened up my computer and soon several novels were penned. Now I have embarked on a journey to become the person I always envisioned myself to be, an author, sharing my crazy ideas with the world.

Links For The Author





Moon Rose Publishing

I really do hope you guys check out this book and this author. I really enjoyed today! A special thanks to the lovely Miranda Stork who is always doing something cool with Moon Rose publishing, and to the author, for being a wonderful guest! You guys are always welcome back! And yo, Miranda, don’t forget you need to visit soon for one of your OWN books, say, more Scarlett Rain please 🙂 LOL Happy reading everyone and later gators! 

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