Masquerade Review & the deets on my Marlboro Crazy Mountain Ranch trip :)

Hellooooooo everybody!!! I feel like I have been so far behind on things lately, oh wait, I am very far behind! hahahaha but since I promised a few things, I will keep good to my word. First, I will discuss a wonderful book I read…

Masquerade (Heven and Hell, #1)

Goodreads synopsis:  Before. Everything was so much better Before. I wasn’t haunted by nightmares, my place at school was secure and my face was flawless. Now, I’m a freak and everything has changed. The worst part is that I can’t remember the night I was sentenced to the shadows. The memory has been stolen from me and I just can’t shake the feeling that someone, something is out there -watching. 

Just when I think I have my life handled, Sam, with his intimidating golden stare and shiver inducing voice, makes me realize that I don’t know anything. He makes me see that my scars don’t matter. That they never mattered. I can’t help but fall for him, completely unknowing that he knows exactly how I got this way. Not knowing he was involved. 


Heven has no idea how closely death stalks her. She has no idea what I have done to keep her alive. I fear the day she learns my secrets, finds out what I really am. But even then I cannot stop, I vow to make things right. Finally her hunter will be hunted, Heaven and Hell, faith and sin will battle, and we will be victorious. But first, Heven must learn to be what she never imagined. I know her strength is there – I feel it. If we are to overcome all odds, she must push past her flaws – her frailties – to become much more.

Feeling that little curiosity piquing right now? Well it should be, I really liked this book.  I think my favorite part is the fact that you never know exactly what “supernatural” the people are in this book.  You are guessing until almost the end, and then you are like “HOLY CRAP!!! I NEVER THOUGHT OF THAT!!!”  OK, maybe you won’t but I was! There are sneaks into other point of views, but mostly it’s spoken from Heven. I really like her.  So, I will now post all the links for you to read my 5 STAR REVIEW on this book, and where to purchase (you should just get it, cuz I said so)…. here ya go!

Goodreads Review:


Barnes & Nobles:


Before (Heven and Hell, #0.5)

& since I mentioned it, the prequel BEFORE you can get FOR FREE here:



Now, on to my trip deets!  About a month or two ago, I got a letter viz FedEx telling me I won a trip to Marlboro’s Crazy Mountain Ranch…. I of course, thought this was some sort of scam, so I called all the numbers they gave me and whadda ya know, it’s FOR REAL!!!!!  So, after lots of paper work & finding the appropriate guest to come with me & she (my cousin) filled out all her paperwork, we shipped it all back to the Ranch headquarters and awaited an answer.  And about a week later, I got the definate that I won the trip (I passed the background check, and I was 21, and a non-felon) & then I got really excited! I mean how awesome, right?  After a few weeks, and a few phone calls, and letters, I recived a winning check (spending money), air travel tickets (we rode 3 planes to get there) & FREE LUGGAGE!!! 

my luggage

Now, on the day we left (Thursday, January 12, 2012) we got on an early flight out of Lafayette, LA (my small town airport) and flew over to Houston, TX & rode this cool train and then got on a plane to Denver, CO and then ran across the airport (I am not a fan of that air port) and then jumped on a little plane to Bozeman, MT! I saw my first snow as we were landing on the ground! And we were greeted by awesome ranch staff, and fed some seriously yummy stuff while we checked in, they got our bags loaded on the bus, and off we headed to Clyde Park, MT! 

The sites here are nothing my words could do justice! It is beyond beautiful! I mean, WOW! I think I said that so many times, it’s impossible to count…  We checked in, slept in the bank (that was so cool) & has a BEAUTIFUL room, with the most comfortable beds & the most amazing shower I have ever seen! For the next 4 days, I was fed like a queen at each meal, and had tons of treats & snacks & they even gave me a camera (FREE) to take pictures of this once-in-a-lifetime trip!!! A Panasonic FP3 Lumix 14 megapixel touch screen digital camera with a 4 GB memory card!!!!! I am still in awe of this trip…. We had a “snow drought”, heheheehehe this is such a funny concept to me, so they offered a YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK tour in lieu of some activities… OMG, this was amazing! We did zip lining and dog sledding, ate like crazy people, drank alot, well I don’t really drink so not that much, but you could! Had parties, and bands, and all these cool things! And then when it was time to go (I almost cried), I was missing my babies (yes I say babies when I mean my dogs & cats) and took all the gifts they gave us (I don’t wanna spoil the surprise if anyone ever reads my blog & wins), packed them in a back pack they gave us to bring it all home, put it in my giant luggage they supplied, and got back to the airport to see a ton of snow falling! We ended up having to spend the night in Denver (after craziness) because of that snow, so I was a day late getting home. But, like my mom told me, this trip was too perfect, we had to have a balance! I spent NO MONIES!!! They would not let us pay for anything there ( I bought a few gifts and things from a Yellowstone gift store) and airport snacks, and that is all the money I spent on this entire trip!! I was happy to hug my babies when I got home, but, let me say that, I would move there in a heartbeat! As long as my kids can come to, that is! I will never forget the wonderful people I met up there, Steph & Ryan from North Dakota being some of my tops, and all the wonderful staff, and guides! I will say prayers that I get invited to go back one day! & everyone who told me no, missed out BIG TIME on this! & so I will post a ton of pictures in a slide show for you to see (I took 957 between me & my cousin), so I will post the link to see them all! If anyone ever reads this from there THANK YOU!!! many many times! 

And now, back to reality & work, and my very long list of books to read that I am behind in! 

So here’s the slide show, I could only put a few pictures here, but here is the link to all 957 pictures that I posted 😉  I had a fantasmal, extra special, wonderful, beautiful, amazing time!!! thanks everyone for listening to me blabber away 🙂 

As always, later my reading gators! and I will be doing the blog tour this wednesday so keep watch out for that!!! 

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