My Review of 00275 Premium Personalized Nylon Dog Collar

Originally submitted at

For delivery in time for Valentines Day, order by: 1pm ET on Friday, February 3rd for Personalized collars OR 1pm ET on Monday, February 6th for Non-personalized collarsAdd any one of these NEW SYMBOLS to your personalized collar!!! * Unless your dogs name is Woof, the odds are good he cant say his…

Great Collar

By Maghon from Abbeville, LA on 1/31/2012


5out of 5

Pros: Easy to Attach, Good Length, Durable, Good Fit, Comfortable, Good Grip

Best Uses: Large Dogs, Training, Small Dogs, Active Dogs, Everyday

Describe Yourself: Long-time Pet Owner

as a vet tech, I see lost dogs come in all the time looking for their owners… this is perfect if your pet loses their tag, because you can put your info right on the collar. 🙂


Reviews & an Update

Hello Everyone, 

How was your weekend? Mine was uneventful, which is EXCELLENT 🙂 I got some reading done, so I thought that I should let you guys in on the secrets 🙂 ok, they aren’t secrets, but how about my reviews! So, here ya go…. 

A Demon Made Me Do It

As always I need to thank the R2R guys and the author for giving me a copy of this book to read for review! There are some days when I’m just so happy to be part of this group, for without them I would have never found some of the best books! Like this one!! So, here’s all the links I think you should check out including my 5 PAWs review 🙂 (yeah, so in a description, some people give roses (KAY) and some people give bats, and wings, and hearts, and stars,  so I’ve decided to draw a paw (via paint program on my computer) and use this as my rating 🙂 see the paws ->)




Barnes & nobles:

Next up…

The Dark Gifts Inheritance

First, Thank you SO much Ms. Willow Cross, for giving me a copy to read and put up on my blog & THANK YOU Books4Tomorrow for sending me the recommendation of Ms. Cross… I was so intrigued by the cover, but I am thrilled to say I LOVED it when I opened it and started reading… so, here’s my paw rating & all the links 🙂





Barnes & Nobles:

Next is…

Chocolate-Covered Eyes: A Sampler Of Horror

ok, so first I gotta say, this is one of the books that had to be RESCUED on goodreads, so no worries, I’ve already reported it and I am going to keep trying to make sure the links work but at least you can still see my review…



Barnes & Nobles:


Now, I am so happy to say that all the winners contacted me ASAP, and so, all the kindle books were e-mailed on Saturday morning, and today, the Jennifer Estep Elemental Assassin paperback books were mailed to that winner too… I am so happy and this was my first give away.. So, on that note, I am still thinking about giving away some more stuff, but I will have to make it good! So, Congrats again to all the winners and I’ll be posting another giveaway REAL SOON!!! in the meantime, today is the release of… 

Half Black Soul  (The Alexa Montgomery Saga, #2)

SO GO GO GO!!! GO GET IT NOW!!! 🙂 I did 🙂

Have a great day, and later my reading gators!Â