Beg Me To Slay Blog Tour w Giveaway!

Hello everyone! I’ve got a fun one for you today! And a cool giveaway, but first goodies 🙂 I hope your year is starting out great. 🙂 

Beg Me to Slay

Beg Me to Slay

Lisa Kessler

Release Date: 12/30/13

Genre: Paranormal Romance

Published: Entangled Covet

Tagline: He’ll slay her demons, but it may cost her heart…

Book Description:

He’ll slay her demons, but it may cost her heart…

Four years ago Tegan Ashton was attacked. Determined never to be a victim again, she devotes her life to martial arts and self-defense. When her assailant returns to finish what he started, only one person can help her.

Gabe is a private investigator by day and demon slayer by night. After losing loved ones, he vows to defend people from a threat they don’t realize exists.

The relationship is supposed to be strictly business, but fighting demons together stirs up emotions they never expected. Turns out demon fighting is a breeze compared to facing their scarred pasts and even worse – hearts.

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My Review:

First, this author is GREAT! I’ve read some things by her, and I SHOULD read them all LOL But even with a “short story” which I can’t really call a short story, but I can’t call a big novel, She still exceeds my expectations. I should know that I am always doomed for a wild ride, but sometimes I forget how fun her novels are. And this one was no exception. Enter a girl attacked, a slayer, some crazy demons, and really cute mom, and some ass-kicking, and we’re on our way to Magnificence. 

Tegan-like Megan but with a T- was attacked 4 years ago, and no one would believe her if she told the truth about what she was attacked by, so she has kept that little secret to herself. And she’s made herself a survivor instead of a victim. And then her attacker comes back for her. The police don’t want to help, she’s trying to keep her parents out of it, and she’s desperate, so she gooles PIs. And BOOM, enter HAWT slayer. But, that’s too far. As a character, Tegan is strong, and willful, and most importantly, a survivor. She’s had to work hard for it. And though she sometimes lets her past ruin her future, she finally let’s some of that old grudge go, and then she blossoms into a great character that I loved! 

Good LAWD, Gabe is something HAWT…. Like my paw’s homemade, from scratch, out of the over, home grown, pecan pie…. Like OMG. He’s the PI, who is also a slayer, who is also somewhat broken. And now, he’s hell bent on helping Tegan rid the world of this evil demon after her. He’s everything you want in a guy. He’s gorgeous, he’s kind, he’s thoughtful, he’s ass-kicking, he’s funny, and hot damn does he steam up a room. 🙂 And he’s a good guy. 

First, I loved that Tegan and Gabe both fought so hard to give in to each other. I kept saying “just make out already” and still they fought with themselves. AND THEN, finally, I got a big ole “YES”, for a sweet, romantic, kiss on the cheek. Of course, it only got better after, but it made it seem a little more real. Second, I love the plot. There’s a mystery surrounding WHY the demon wants Tegan so bad, and it’ll make you a little crazy. Not because Demons are just bad guys, but this one demon, who’s attacked her already, just won’t stop. But it’s a wonderful plot, with a mystery to keep you turning the pages, and a VERY steamy romance wrapped up inside. The writing is excellent. I know it’s not huge, but it’s larger than just a short story, and it was well done. I never put it down. Everything fell into their perfect puzzle piece place. 

All in all, I need to get all of this authors works, and add it to my already owned. And then read them, ASAP. She’s great. I hope to see more of these characters soon. And with that, this story is summed up perfectly with a ASS KICKING, DEMON FIGHTING, SURVIVORS 5 PAWS! Yep, you should get yours hands on this one 🙂 

paw mainpaw mainpaw mainpaw mainpaw main

About the Author :


Lisa Kessler is an award winning author of dark paranormal fiction. Her debut novel, Night Walker, won a San Diego Book Award for Best Published Fantasy-Sci-fi-Horror as well as the Romance Through the Ages Award for Best Paranormal and Best First Book.

Her short stories have been published in print anthologies and magazines, and her vampire story, Immortal Beloved, was a finalist for a Bram Stoker award.

When she’s not writing, Lisa is a professional vocalist, performing with the San Diego Opera as well as other musical theater companies in San Diego. You can learn more at




Author Facebook:

Series Facebook:




There’s several things being given away, including a beautiful dragon, a necklace, a gift card and some ebooks. I recommend you enter this giveaway!


A major thanks to everyone who always helps me share wonderful books and offers awesome giveaways! I wish you guys all good luck to win 🙂 AND I hope you check out this awesome author, she has some great works! Happy reading and later gators! 

7 thoughts on “Beg Me To Slay Blog Tour w Giveaway!

  1. Elise-Maria says:

    Hmmm, looks like I need more PNR in my life! Thanks for introducing me to this book and the giveaway

  2. Thanks for the giveaway! Happy New Year,Mags!

  3. Lisa Kessler says:

    Ha! I love your review!!! LOL I’m so glad you enjoyed Beg Me to Slay! I had such a blast writing that book…

    Hope you’ll check out my Moon Series… Shifters! 🙂


  4. sonia says:

    thanks for give aways.have beg me to slay on my kindle just haven’t gotten around to reading it yet.

  5. Crystal Flannery says:

    thanks for the giveaway! would love to win!

  6. Pam James says:

    I have read all of Lisa’s books. They are all fantastic. You definitely should get & read the rest of her books!

  7. stacey7smith says:

    Sounds cool! Fighting Demon together.I just love Paranormal book but have not read much books about demons mostly Were’s or Vampire’s

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